Privacy Policy

Glohow Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“Company”) respects your privacy and personal information, and observes the “Privacy Agreement” etc. The Company provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of the purpose of collecting your personal information, how we make use of it as well as what measures we take to protect your personal information.

This Privacy Policy includes the following content.

Article. 1 (The Elements of Personal Information we may collect and the collecting method)

1. The Company will only collect personal information that is essential for the user to access the service. The type of information collected is as listed below.

2. Upon using the service, the company may collect your personal information as below to analyze service usage data, provide personalized advertisement services following information may be produced and collected.

3. The company does not collect any sensitive and private information (Race, Personal Belief, Philosophy, Political Tendency, Criminal Record, Medical Record, etc.)

4. The company collects user’s personal information in the following ways.

    - Collect via Platform Operator in a partnership with the company for the service.
    - Collect via voluntary submission from the user who is using the service.
    - Collect via the information that is already provided by the user for service utility.
    - Collect via the application form submitted by the user through the Company’s recruitment website.

Article. 2 (Collecting Personal Information and the Use)

1. Basic function to encounter the service.

2. Fulfillment of contract as a game service provider and balancing the Charging and Setting.

3. User Management

4. Development of New Service and Marketing/ Advertisement.

Article. 3 (Sharing of User’s Information)

1. We use personal information of users in the boundary of Article 2 and there would be no situation where we over-use such information without the consent of users or reveal it to 3rd person. However, exceptions may be aroused as

2. In the case that it is inevitable for affiliate companies to provide user’s information to a limited extent, we share or provide such information after having the consent from users about to whom and what information we are sharing with in what purpose and for the purpose of providing various kinds of service.

Article. 4 (Charges of Personal Information and Transfer to Other Countries)

1. In principle, the Company does not entrust other companies with the handling of personal information of users.

2. Despite Article 1, the company can entrust other companies for better managing and handling some of the personal information much smoother as follows. Also, it can be safely managed in accordance with the privacy laws.

    - Contractor: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
    - Business contents: Storage of personal information required to provide services
    - Period: Till the moment of termination of service or termination of consignment contract
    - Contractor: Microsoft Azure, Co., Ltd.
    - Business contents: Storage of personal information required to provide services
    - Period: Till the moment of termination of service or termination of consignment contract

3. The Company will not transfer the personal information of users to outside the country without the consent of the user.

Article. 5 (Period of possessing and using personal information)

In principle, the personal information of the user is destroyed without delay when the purpose of collecting and using the personal information is achieved. However, the following information will be kept for the period specified below for the following reasons.

1. In order to prevent fraudulent use in accordance with the internal policy of the company, the personal information will be kept for 7 days after the application for membership withdrawal. After this period, the user's personal information will be completely deleted.

2. In the case of investigations or investigations related to the violation of related laws and regulations, the information of the users will be preserved until the end of investigation.

3. If there is a claim-obligation relationship between the company and the user, the personal information of the user is retained until the settlement of the relationship is resolved or complete.

4. When it is necessary to preserve the information according to the related laws and regulations such as commercial law, consumer protection law in e-commerce, etc, the company keeps user information for a certain period determined by related laws and regulations. In this case, the company will only use the information it keeps for the purpose of storing it, and the period of preservation is as follows.

5. Personal information submitted and registered by a job applicant via the Company’s recruitment website to the Talent Pool shall be preserved for 2 years from when the application was submitted.

6. Personal information registered by the applicant on the application form shall be preserved for 2 months from when the Company offers a job to the job applicant. However, the personal information shall be deleted should the applicant request that the data be deleted.

Article. 6 (Dormant Accounts)

1. The company will switch a customer’s account or character to a dormant account if the user does not have access records within the game for 12 months or more after the last access date in order to prevent the user’s account or character from being used for unfair purposes and to protect personal information.

2. If the customer’s account is switched to a dormant account, only the minimum amount of information needed for restoration and normalization will remain. Personal information will be stored separately in order to fulfill the goals required by the law.

3. As long as the maximum retention period has not elapsed more than a year after being switched to a dormant account, the user will be able to restore his/her account through means such as accessing the game. However, the dormant account will be deleted if the following requirements are met.

Article. 7 (Procedures and Methods of Destroying Personal Information)

In principle, the personal information of a user is destroyed without delay when the purpose of collecting and using the personal information is achieved. The procedure and method are as follows.

1. Destruction procedure

Article. 11 (Installation and Operation of Automatic Information Collection Technologies and How to Disable Them)

1. Website Cookies

  • 1.2 ‘Cookies’ are a text file that a webserver of a specific website will send to the user’s web browser and will identify the user’s access records, usage pattern etc.
  • 1.3 Should the user choose to disable Cookies, the user may do so by changing their web browser settings.
      - Internet Explorer: Gear Icon > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced
      - Chrome: Settings > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data
      - Microsoft Edge: Settings > Cookies and site permissions > Cookies and site data
  • Please make sure to check the settings relevant for each internet browser.

    2. Advertising Identifier (ADID, IDFA)