Operation Policy

Article. 1 (Purpose)

1. This Game Policy has its purpose for Glohow Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“the company”) to provide all players with all the information regarding the game service and the related.

2. The company shall do the utmost to provide players with a pleasant environment and stabilized game service based on this policy.

3. The company may change the Game Policy if needed, to maintain a stable game service, and any change in the policy will be posted in the community sites (Official SNS or other Communities) or the application. Any players shall find the Game Policy anytime to keep away from any possible disadvantages when using the game service.

4. Any matters that are against this Game Policy must follow the ‘Terms of Service’ and the others shall follow the related legislation or the business usage.

Article. 2 (Rights and Duties for Users)

1. The Rights of Users

2. Duties of Users.